(470) 268-5802
Common Injuries That can Occur at Construction Sites

Common Injuries That can Occur at Construction Sites

Common injuries that can occur at construction sites are falling Objects. Construction sites are home to heavy equipment. Brain and spinal cord injuries can occur if something is unsecured and falls off of a higher level and onto a worker, even if he or she is wearing safety gear. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at 470.268.5802 to talk to our reliable Atlanta construction injury lawyers.

Ask About Their Experience with Construction Accidents

Ask About Their Experience with Construction Accidents

A consultation is your best chance to evaluate your construction accident injury lawyer. This is your opportunity to ask them about their experience with cases like yours. They should be able to give you a high-level overview of similar settlements and verdicts. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today to talk about your case with one of our experienced lawyers via phone at (470) 268-5802

Monetary Compensation: The Only Way Our System Offers Justice

Monetary Compensation: The Only Way Our System Offers Justice

Many spinal cord injury victims want an apology, an admission of fault, or an improvement in treatment quality. Unfortunately, the only way our judicial system offers justice is through money. Call Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, today at (470) 268-5802 to speak with our Atlanta spinal cord injury lawyer about your case.

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Spinal cord injuries change lives, families, and sometimes even entire communities. When you lose the ability to fully control your own body, you will need to lean on others for support. The people who once relied on you may find themselves with a heavy financial burden as they struggle to support you. There is no shame in this need for support, but it does have practical ramifications. You will need help accessing medical care, addressing insurance issues, and advocating for your rights at work, school, and in your community. You and your family shouldn’t carry this heavy burden alone since you can file a claim to seek compensation for your work-related spinal injury. An Atlanta spinal cord injury lawyer is your best ally in this struggle. Therefore, here is why you need to consider hiring one.

Monetary Compensation: The Only Way Our System Offers Justice

Many spinal cord injury victims want an apology, an admission of fault, or an improvement in treatment quality. Unfortunately, the only way our judicial system offers justice is through money.

We can’t compel the person who hurt you to apologize, and can’t make a doctor admit that his negligence caused your injuries. We can only help you seek financial compensation for your injury.

In a limited number of circumstances, it may be possible to seek other legal actions — such as an injunction against certain behavior, or a requirement that an employer or school cease discriminatory policies. But if you want anything beyond these meager concessions, you will need to file a claim for financial compensation first.

It is not greedy to seek financial compensation for your injuries. This is the only compensation available, and hearing from a judge or jury that you didn’t deserve to be hurt can even aid your healing process.

The amount which you can seek is primarily governed by the extent to which you were hurt; most costly injuries typically earn higher settlements and jury awards. Consult an experienced spinal cord injury attorney to find out the compensation to which you are entitled. Don’t go it alone, and don’t allow yourself to be bullied!

Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced, dedicated, reputable, and professional attorney at Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC for consultation, case review, and top-quality legal representation.

Ensuring Adequate Medical Care

Spinal cord injury treatment and rehabilitation can be costly. That means that if you don’t have money or adequate insurance, you could be stuck receiving substandard medical care. Suing for your injuries allows you to get the funds you need to pay for costly medical and rehabilitative services.

A lawyer who specializes in spinal cord injuries may also be able to refer you to a physician who is highly qualified to treat your injuries.

Holding Negligent People Accountable

Whether it is medical malpractice, an injury at a local water park, or violence at the hands of a loved one or stranger, being injured due to someone else’s negligence or malice can be enraging. When such an injury undermines your quality of life, you may feel hopeless, helpless, and deeply frustrated.

Seeking justice for your injuries won’t just help you recover the funds you need to live a normal life but it is also a way of regaining a sense of efficacy. When someone hurts you, they deserve to be held accountable.

An Atlanta spinal cord injury lawyer ensures that the process of seeking justice is fair and efficient.

Protecting Your Family

Unless you spontaneously experience a full recovery, you probably won’t be able to do all of the things you once did with ease — playing with your baby, working to support your family, or coaching your child’s softball team, for example. A spinal cord injury lawsuit allows you to protect your family by:

  • Investing in their future with the money you recover.
  • Paying for in-home caregivers so that your family can enjoy your relationship, not spend your time together on caretaking.
  • Ensuring you can afford high-quality medical care, potentially increasing your chances of recovery.
  • Allowing you to pay for services that support your family, such as grocery shopping, childcare, and family therapy.

Recovering Lost Wages

A spinal cord injury almost inevitably means lost wages. Even if you are eventually able to return to your job, you will likely have to take several months off to recover. You are entitled to compensation for these lost wages.

And if your injury has permanently reduced or eliminated your ability to earn a living, a spinal cord injury lawsuit can recover funds to cover this reduction in earning capacity.

How Spinal Cord Injuries Happen at Construction Sites

A spinal cord injury happens when any part of the spinal cord is damaged. Construction workers may suffer spinal cord injuries from:

  • Falls – Falls from heights, such as ladders or scaffolding, can result in spinal cord injuries.
  • Scaffolding collapses – When scaffolding collapses, the workers on the scaffolding, and any workers below the scaffolding may suffer traumatic spinal cord injuries.
  • Motor vehicle accidents, struck-by accidents, crushed by accidents – Forklifts, trucks, and other heavy equipment that are used on construction sites can collide with each other, with construction workers on the site, or with construction equipment such as scaffolding—causing a construction worker to be hurt in a fall.
  • Failure to have proper safety gear – Safety gear, such as harnesses, could prevent spinal cord injuries from occurring because of a construction accident fall.
  • Improper training – Lack of proper training can lead to some of the construction accidents described above.

Regardless of what caused your spinal cord injury on a construction site, you need to know what your life will be like now and how to protect your right to seek justice and compensation. An Atlanta spinal cord injury lawyer can help you file a claim or lawsuit to get the compensation that you need to recover from your injury.

Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Generally, your symptoms and your prognosis are going to depend on two things: (1) whether your spinal cord injury was complete or incomplete; and (2) where on your spinal cord the injury occurred.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

Construction workers who suffer spinal cord injuries in which the spinal cord is not completely severed experience incomplete spinal cord injuries. Incomplete spinal cord injuries may impact your ability to move or to feel sensations; however, not all incomplete spinal cord injuries are the same. Incomplete spinal cord injuries may impact your:

  • Ability to use your arms if you suffered damage to the center of your spinal cord, known as central cord syndrome.
  • Ability to move and to feel touch, pain, and temperature sensations below the point of impact if you suffered damage to the front of the spinal cord, known as anterior cord syndrome.
  • Coordination if you suffered damage to the back of your spinal cord, known as posterior cord syndrome.
  • Feelings of sensation if the injury is between the first and second lumbar region of the spine, known as a cauda equine lesion.
  • Feelings of sensation on one side of the body and your ability to move on the other side of your body if one side of your spinal cord was injured, known as Brown-Sequard syndrome.

Some incomplete spinal cord injuries will improve over time, but there can be lasting effects.

Complete Spinal Cord Injuries

Currently, complete spinal cord injuries are permanent, and you may be unable to move your body and to feel sensation below the point on your spinal cord that was injured. Specifically, complete spinal cord injuries to the:

  • Thoracic spine can result in paraplegia. You may be unable to move your legs, you may lose control of your bowel and bladder, and you may experience sexual dysfunction.
  • Cervical spine can result in tetraplegia. All areas of the body except for the head may be affected. You may not be able to move, feel sensation, breathe, regulate your body temperature, control your bowel or bladder, and you may experience sexual dysfunction.
  • Lumbar spine can result in paraplegia. Your injury may be similar to a thoracic spine injury.
  • Sacral spine can result in the loss of bowel and bladder function and sexual dysfunction. You may also have weakness or paralysis in your hips and legs.

Ongoing medical care and support may be necessary regardless of which kind of spinal cord injury you suffer.

Consult an Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer 

A spinal cord injury can alter your life quickly. If another party was responsible for your injury, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Don’t deal with this trying time alone. Find an experienced spinal cord injury attorney to consult about your legal rights and options moving forward.

Each year about 12,000 new spinal cord injury cases are reported in the United States. These injuries can vary in severity, but many tend to cause an immediate change in the lives of the victims.

Spinal cord injuries can change a victim’s way of life, disrupting earning power, family relations, future prospects, and mental health. And all too often, victims of spinal cord injuries don’t fight back against the negligent party who caused their injury.

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

With the representation of Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, you can recover monetary compensation for all related damages after a spinal cord injury, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Call us today at (470) 268-5802 to speak with our Atlanta spinal cord injury lawyer about your case. You can also contact us online to schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation/ case review.

We promise to fight aggressively and tirelessly for you to ensure you get the compensation that you deserve.

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Atlanta Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer