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What to do if pulled over for DUI in Georgia?

What to do if pulled over for DUI in Georgia?

What to do if pulled over for DUI in Georgia?

What To Do If You’re Stopped For A DUI

What I’m going to talk to you about today is what to do if you are stopped for a DUI, I get asked this question all the time. If an officer stops you and says sir have you been drinking the answer you’re going to give is the same answer you’d give to sir did you rob a bank or sir did you kill ten people you’re going to say I’m not going to answer any questions or do any tests until I talk to my lawyer.

Now by saying that you didn’t lie and you didn’t confess. You said let me talk to my lawyer Now if the officer gets you out and says let me look at your eyes, follow the light, follow the pen, you say stop am I free to go officer because if I’m not then I want to talk to my lawyer don’t do any field sobriety test don’t do the eye test don’t answer questions just simply say I wish to talk to my lawyer. Now if he says I’m going to have to arrest you because I smell alcohol, he was going to arrest you anyway.

What to do if pulled over for DUI in Georgia?


DUI Law: How to Get a Blood Sample Without Losing

You say whatever but I need to talk to my lawyer he’ll take you down to the station you call preferably us and we’ll talk to you then they will ask you for a sample of your blood. In Georgia if you don’t provide the sample you lose your license for a year and on top of that, they’ll get a warrant and they’ll draw your blood forcibly if they have to so we normally say on a first offense go ahead and give that blood sample and then ask to be released to go to the hospital and get an independent blood test Normally they’ll cut loose you get into a cab and you can go get that test if you wish. In essence, the officer can now say I saw him weave once I pulled him over he smelled of alcohol he gave me a blood sample and I released him.


You Have the Right to Remain Silent in a DUI

That’s all the officer will be able to tell a jury can’t comment on your right to remain silent because that’s your fifth amendment right so it limits their evidence down to just whatever the chemical test is keep in mind it’s always better to reduce the evidence that you’re giving them because they will say I saw x, Y and Z and they will tend to stretch what they saw or exaggerate and that’s always a problem so if you simply say, nope I wish to talk to my lawyer it greatly reduces what they can claim that you did that night. If you need to speak to an experienced DUI lawyer in Georgia feel free to call us at Bobe and Snell Law offices.We have a team of experienced trial-ready lawyers to fight for your rights and to call B.S. on unlawful acts during a DUI investigation.


How we can help

A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) lawyer specializes in representing individuals who have been charged with DUI offenses. Here are some ways our DUI lawyer can help:

1. Legal Knowledge and Expertise: DUI laws can be complex and vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. At Bobe & Snell, our DUI lawyer has in-depth knowledge of the relevant laws, regulations, and legal procedures surrounding DUI cases. They can explain the charges, potential consequences, and available defense strategies based on their expertise.

2. Case Evaluation: Our DUI lawyer will thoroughly review the details of your case, including police reports, breathalyzer or blood test results, and other evidence. They will assess the strength of the prosecution’s case against you and identify any potential weaknesses or inconsistencies that can be challenged in court.

3. Defense Strategy: Based on their analysis of the case, our DUI lawyer will develop a defense strategy tailored to your specific circumstances. This may involve challenging the legality of the traffic stop, the accuracy of the breathalyzer or blood test results, or the conduct of law enforcement officers during the arrest.

4. Negotiation: In some cases, at Bobe & Snell our DUI lawyer may negotiate with the prosecution for a plea bargain or reduced charges. We can advocate for alternative penalties or treatment programs that may minimize the impact on your driving record, insurance rates, and criminal record.

5. Court Representation: If your case goes to trial, our DUI lawyer will represent you in court. We will present your defense, cross-examine witnesses, and argue on your behalf. Our experience and knowledge of trial procedures can help ensure your rights are protected and that evidence is properly evaluated.

6. License Suspension Appeals: Our DUI lawyer can assist with administrative hearings to contest a driver’s license suspension or work to obtain a restricted license that allows you to drive to work or other essential activities.

7. Legal Guidance and Support: Throughout the entire process, our DUI lawyer will provide guidance, support, and advice. We can answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with peace of mind during a stressful time.

It’s important to note that specific tactics and strategies employed by our DUI lawyer will depend on the unique circumstances of your case. Consulting with a Bobe & Snell DUI lawyer as soon as possible after a DUI charge is highly recommended to ensure you receive the best possible legal representation.

Call Bobe & Snell Today (470) 268-5802 

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