(470) 268-5802


Claim Filing Tips

With our expert Claim Filing Tips, we provide you with the essential guidance needed to take the right steps from the very start..

Ideal Personal Injury Lawyer

Selecting the ideal personal injury lawyer is pivotal for your case's success. As the legal field evolves with technological advancements and new laws, your choice must reflect these trends. Here's a concise guide: Expertise Matters: Choose a lawyer specialized in...

First Things First After a Personal Injury

Immediately after suffering a personal injury caused by someone else, it is crucial to take swift action to protect your rights and receive the compensation.

Top Questions To Ask A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Top Questions To Ask A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

What questions to ask a workers’ compensation lawyer. We look forward to working with you but if for some reason you do not call B.S. These questions can help you evaluate the fit and expertise of a workers’ compensation lawyer and determine if they are the right fit...

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What Our DUI Lawyer Does

What Our DUI Lawyer Does

Our DUI Lawyer Duties A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) lawyer specializes in representing individuals who have been charged with DUI offenses. Here are some ways our DUI lawyer can help: 1. Legal Knowledge and Expertise: DUI laws can be complex and vary from...

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Types Of Workers’ Compensation Claims We Handle

Types Of Workers’ Compensation Claims We Handle

Workers' Compensation Claims Bobe & Snell Workers' compensation claims lawyers in Georgia handle a wide range of claims related to workplace injuries and illnesses. Some common types of claims that worker compensation lawyers handle include: 1. Workplace Injuries:...

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A Personal Injury Litigator

A Personal Injury Litigator

A personal injury litigator is a lawyer who specializes in representing clients who have suffered physical or psychological injuries due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at (470) 268-5802 our...

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How A Personal Injury Litigator Helps GA Victims

How A Personal Injury Litigator Helps GA Victims

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Discussing the Situation on Record

Discussing the Situation on Record

If the insurance adjuster requests a statement, it’s wise to defer to your 18-wheeler accident lawyer. Saying anything on record opens the door for disputes. This is especially true early on in the proceedings before the investigations have concluded and you have...

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Automobile Accident Personal Injury Advocate

Automobile Accident Personal Injury Advocate

Automobile accidents can be life-altering events, leaving victims with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. These legal professionals specialize in helping victims navigate the complex legal system, ensuring that they receive the compensation...

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Automobile Accident Your Advocate in Times of Crisis

Automobile Accident Your Advocate in Times of Crisis

Automobile accidents can be life-altering events, leaving victims with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. In such difficult times, seeking the assistance of an automobile accident personal injury attorney can make a world of difference

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How DUI Trials Work

How DUI Trials Work

As with all criminal cases, the prosecution has the burden of proving DUI charges beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecution can’t do this, the jury (or the judge) is supposed to acquit the defendant. DUI trials typically take anywhere from a few days to a week or...

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